General Terms and Conditions of Sale

All multilingual services provided are subject to these Terms and Conditions of Sale, unless explicitly specified otherwise by ReaLingua. The Purchase and Sale Agreement consists of the order, the quote (duly signed and approved in writing) and these general terms and conditions of sale.

These conditions apply to multilingual orders assigned to ReaLingua by the Client. They form part of the acceptance of the order. Any deviation from these conditions requires the prior written agreement of both Parties.

Article 1: Obligations of ReaLingua

ReaLingua is committed to providing Clients with multilingual services of a consistently high standard through the use of highly qualified native speakers and comprehensive techniques and methods. In particular, it will deliver translations that comply with the ISO 17100:2015 quality standard.

ReaLingua will provide multilingual services as agreed in the contract, with the diligence required and in accordance with the ethical code of the profession. It will base its work on the information provided by the Client (such as glossaries, technical terminology, abbreviations and details of the target audience) and fulfil the terms agreed in the quote.

Article 2: Obligations of the Client

By accepting a quote in writing, the Client agrees to:

– Provide all information necessary for the corresponding invoice.

– Provide all source documents in good time.

– Accept any changes in price or delivery times if the source documents that were initially submitted are changed after the initial quote is accepted in writing.

– Provide ReaLingua with all of the texts to be translated, along with any technical information needed to understand them and the specific terminology required (if applicable).

If the Client does not comply with the above obligations, ReaLingua may decide not to provide the multilingual services requested by the Client. Under no circumstances shall ReaLingua incur any liability for disagreements or delays that may arise due to a breach of these obligations by the Client.

Article 3: Implementation

ReaLingua must be given a guarantee by the Client that it has obtained the necessary permission for the translation of any documents that are protected by copyright.

All sales of multilingual services will only be finalized once the quote presented by ReaLingua has been explicitly accepted in writing by the Client and by ReaLingua.

ReaLingua will comply with the conditions of the order and the delivery schedule agreed upon after written confirmation of the quote by both Parties.

ReaLingua will provide multilingual services as agreed in the contract, reflecting the content of the source text as closely as possible while working in accordance with the norms of the profession and taking into account the information provided by the Client (such as glossaries, technical terminology, abbreviations and details of the target audience).

ReaLingua will accept no responsibility for any inconsistency or ambiguity in the source text provided by the Client, but it will promptly notify the Client of any such inconsistency or ambiguity whenever possible.

 All orders submitted by the Client to ReaLingua must be accompanied by the information and reference materials needed to prepare an appropriate quote for the requested service (such as details of the language combinations, target audience, text format, deadline, glossaries and special considerations to take into account).

Article 4: Quotes

Requests for a quote for services from ReaLingua are free and without obligation.

All quotes sent by ReaLingua to the Client (by post, fax or email) will include the following:

1. The language combination(s).

2. The price of the service (excluding VAT).

3. The deadline.

4. The delivery format of the documents to be translated.

5. When appropriate, surcharges or discounts based on volume, urgency, specific terminology or any requests for anything other than the services normally provided by ReaLingua.

The agreed price may be based on a flat rate or per unit (such as per source word, target word, page or hour). Some additional tasks performed by ReaLingua (such as specific terminology searches, creation of advertising slogans, layout of final documents, rush jobs, night work or work during weekends or holidays, or anything else other than the services normally provided by ReaLingua) may be billed separately.

Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the Client will be responsible for all costs arising from services such as transport and express mail.

Article 5: Cancellation of the Contract

If the Client decides to cancel or suspend the provision of multilingual services by ReaLingua, either partially or totally, it must immediately notify ReaLingua of this in writing. ReaLingua will invoice the Client for all expenditure on work that has already been done at the time that it is informed of the cancellation or suspension of the provision of multilingual services.

Article 6: Delivery

Multilingual services performed by ReaLingua on behalf of the Client shall be delivered within the period agreed by the Parties explicitly and in writing, starting from the receipt of written acceptance of the quote by ReaLingua (accompanied by any deposit ReaLingua may have requested) along with all of the source documents and comprehensive instructions from the Client.

ReaLingua must respect the deadlines agreed in the quote. However, ReaLingua shall not incur any liability in the event of delays attributable to the Client, force majeure or consequential damages, including malfunctioning faxes, emails and other postal or land transport not under the direct control of ReaLingua.

The delivery of the document as agreed in the contract will be deemed to be completed at the time when ReaLingua sends it in a demonstrable manner using means such as email, a certified mail service or a courier.

Article 7: Billing and Payment

Invoices shall be net, without discounts and payable 30 days from the date of issue, unless otherwise stipulated and agreed by the Parties and specified in the quote.

The maximum payment period is 60 days (unless special arrangements have been agreed between the Parties) from the date of issue of the invoice. If the Client fails to pay the invoice within the specified period, ReaLingua may decide at its sole discretion to apply interest penalties under Spanish law. Such penalties will apply from the day following the due date stated on the invoice, and they will be automatically paid with full rights to ReaLingua without the requirement for any formality or other demands whatsoever.

In the exceptional case of staggered deliveries, if the Client has been notified that an interim payment has not been made, ReaLingua may discontinue the provision of multilingual services requested by the Client until the outstanding amount has been paid or new conditions have been agreed. Similarly, in the event of defaults on payment, ReaLingua may suspend or cancel the execution of its obligations and cancel any discounts that have been granted to the Client.

Article 8: Provision of Multilingual Services

ReaLingua will provide multilingual services of consistently high quality in accordance with the norms of the profession and the information provided by the Client (such as glossaries, illustrations, abbreviations and specific terminology). ReaLingua will accept no responsibility for any inconsistency or ambiguity in the source text.

ReaLingua is authorized to use freelancers to provide multilingual services. ReaLingua’s freelancers are qualified third-party, professional translators who are subject to professional confidentiality requirements. All contact between the Client and the third party hired by ReaLingua will be subject to the explicit written approval of the latter, for both the order in progress and any subsequent assignments for a period of 12 months from the last job done by ReaLingua.

ReaLingua will also use technologies that are precisely suited to carrying out the service requested.

ReaLingua will adapt its materials, methods, resources, skills and technical expertise as the industry evolves, so that it can always provide its Clients with multilingual services in accordance with their needs and the rules of the profession. When carrying out the services requested by the Client, ReaLingua will always show the level of diligence and reliability expected in the industry.

ReaLingua will respect its obligations in compliance with the terms initially agreed in the order.

Article 9: Complaints

The Client has a maximum of 10 working days from receipt of the translated or corrected documents to complain in writing about the quality of the service provided. After this period, the service provided will be considered to be in compliance with the order in qualitative and quantitative terms, so no complaints will be accepted. In any case, the Client must provide the reasons for the complaint in writing, always mention the number and date of the invoice, and provide all necessary supporting documents.

ReaLingua will always strive to convey the meaning of the Client’s source text faithfully with an idiomatic rendering in the target language. However, ReaLingua will not be held liable if the written source document is of poor quality. If the semantics of the source document are ambiguous, the syntax is used inappropriately, the text contains spelling and typographic errors, or it is incomplete or contains incorrect information, ReaLingua will endeavour whenever possible to notify the Client promptly, showing all necessary good faith, and correct any such errors or defects in the translation without incurring any liability with regards to them.

In the event of any justified complaints about the quality of the service provided, ReaLingua reserves the right to correct them as soon as possible in collaboration with the Client and resubmit the work for acceptance. Corrections may only refer to grammatical and spelling errors, omissions of any untranslated text fragments, errors in dates, references or brands, or translations of concepts that are clearly erroneous. In no case will ReaLingua incur any liability with regard to complaints arising from stylistic nuances, ambiguities in the source text or disagreements regarding the terminology used except in cases when the complaint relates to precise instructions given by the Client when ordering.

ReaLingua will also accept no responsibility for any problems caused by the Client’s decision to use the final translated text for any use other than that originally planned, without first consulting ReaLingua to check if any adaptation is necessary.

Article 10: Confidentiality

ReaLingua will treat as confidential all information that comes to its attention before, during and after the provision of services.

ReaLingua will ensure that both its employees and its freelancers expressly agree and sign a non-disclosure agreement.

With respect to sensitive information, the Client must indicate to ReaLingua in advance or at the time of the order any shipping methods to be used to ensure the confidentiality of such information. ReaLingua will accept no liability for any interception or misuse of information resulting from the transmission of data, principally via the Internet.

Article 11: Protection of Personal Data

ReaLingua will comply with the provisions of Spanish Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data and other applicable legislation on the subject. Notwithstanding this, and in accordance with article 12 of the aforementioned law 15/1999, ReaLingua will treat as Confidential all information that it has received or to which it may have access for the sole purpose of the provision of the requested multilingual service. ReaLingua will also ensure that both its employees and its freelancers expressly agree and sign a clause for the protection of personal data, undertaking not to transfer information received from ReaLingua for the execution of the order through third parties.

Notwithstanding the above, Clients are hereby informed that their data will be incorporated into the Client database owned by ReaLingua in order to maintain a professional and commercial relationship, if both Parties agree.

Article 12: Intellectual and/or Industrial Property

The Client must acknowledge that translations produced by ReaLingua are new documents, for which the copyright will belong to the latter as the author of the work. Therefore, ReaLingua reserves the right to require the inclusion of its name in any publication or copy created using its literary or artistic services.

In the event of defaults on payment, any complete or partial reproduction of the translation will be prohibited. If the Client uses materials for which it has not paid, ReaLingua will be entitled to claim for immediate payment of the material and, where appropriate, compensation arising from copyright.

Article 13: Applicable Law

The Parties expressly agree that these Terms and Conditions of Sale and the buying and selling operations that may arise from them will be governed by Spanish law. The original version of these Conditions is in Spanish. Although they may be translated into one or more other languages, only the Spanish version will be valid in the event of litigation.